21 things you may (or may not) know about jason + heather
1. saturday morning breakfast makes heather giddy
2. jason used to show goats when he as a child and won lots of ribbons
3. heather had a pet cat named “Pickles”
4. jason wants a pet spider
5. heather does not want a pet spider
6. jason was homeschooled
7. heather begged to be homeschooled lol
8. jason + heather are both nerds (and proud of it)
9. heather played the clarinet in high school marching band
10. jason plays guitar
11. heather had a crush on a smurf when she was a child
12. jason has more clothes in the closet than heather does
13. heather finds cleaning semi therapeutic
14. jason finds cleaning somewhat dreadful 
15. heather used to be afraid of her own brain as a child. it creeped her out. (lol. i know)
16. waffle house is one of jason + heather’s fave places to have coffee and breakfast
17. jason + heather <3 Mr. Bean
18. heather sometimes laughs and gets tickled at random things that shouldn’t be laughed at
19. jason loves to cook
20. heather is legally blind, when she’s not wearing contacts or glasses she pretty much can’t see your face
21. jason + heather are both camera shy