Life + Updates from Jason + Heather of Revival Photography
Hey guys! I know we are WAY overdue for an update. Better now than never, right?
Today I'm getting back on track with blogging, so you'll see a lot more from us, including maybe some "Vlogging"? Is that what you call it? :)
I want to bring you guys up to where we are now in our lives. A LOT has happened since we posted last. I'm not exactly sure where to start other than where we left off. So here goes...
1. Some doors "closed" so that others could "open"...
“Sometimes God closes doors. I am learning that when we’re thankful for closed doors and keep in communication with God through the scary tough times, and trust Him, He leads us to a better place - His best. His best could very easily be missed if we keep our heads down, if we complain, if we focus on the negative... I’m thankful when God shuts a door because I know that whatever was behind it wasn’t meant for me - whatever was behind that door could have kept me from His best. I’m determined to keep following God to His very best...”
The house that we were about to move into didn't work out at the very last minute. It was scary and we didn't know what we were going to do at the time, but after much prayer, we had very clear direction from God, and we knew we had to "jump" and trust Him. So we did.
...Which led us to another "door" that was meant for us all along. We found the perfect home in the perfect location. We're finally moved in and settled now, and so thankful and amazed at how happy and at peace we are in our new home!
“Through the brokenness is the dawn of a new day… Today is the 1st day of what we have been waiting for, praying for… Today is day 1 of moving into our new home. Through hard times and brokenness, God can make a new day, He can make a new way, and we’re so thankful for that. We are amazed and we are blessed.”
2. Blessings... During all of this house stuff, moving stuff, you guys probably read in our previous post about our gear getting stolen back in May while we were shooting a wedding in Charleston. (If you didn't read about it, head back over to the post to read about what happened) some friends of ours started a GoFundMe for us, and the outcome of all of this has completely blown us away. We are so grateful and amazed at how this bad, horrible situation has been turned into good. The goodness and blessings have far overcome any of the bad, and any that was stolen away from us.
Not only have we been blessed through our GoFundMe, through the kindness of so many, sending us lenses, gear, camera straps, vintage cameras... It's almost more than we can handle!
3. But the blessings keep coming.....
“A couple days ago Fed-Ex showed up with a surprise box from a friend of ours. Opening it up, we found something that is totally life changing for us. Our photographer friend Danielle had sent us her beloved Contax 645. For those of you who are not camera people, this is a big deal. Not only is this the best medium format film camera a wedding photographer could own, they are super expensive and hard to find. After days of total shock and many tears, all we can say is “Thank You”. Thank you Danielle for this wonderful gift. It means more than you know! (For those of you who are just tuning in, a couple of months ago, we had all of our gear stolen from us while traveling to a wedding in Charleston, everything, digital and film cameras - over the last couple of months, we have seen God do some pretty amazing things in our lives, and in the lives of others too…. He has brought us so much peace, and we have been so incredibly blessed and carried by love from our family and friends, and even those who we don’t even know! Good has truly overcome evil and there is no room for the bad! We are thankful.”
4. Enjoying our new home, more than we could have hoped for or imagined...
“So I’ve been dreaming of a front porch with flowers and white rocking chairs with a lovely view for quite a while.... It has been on my “Pinterest dream home” board. I’ve been looking out my window envisioning this very sight.... And today my wonderful husband surprised me with these 2 lovely white rocking chairs. I saw him pull up with them in his truck and immediately, tears came to my eyes. So happy and so so amazed at how God shows us He loves us with the littlest big things. ”
Freddie loves it here too :)
5. Surprise new kitty cat friend :)
When we started looking into this place, we discovered that the empty home had a resident kitty cat who lived outside and didn't want to leave the house. They call her "Miss Kitty" and since we have moved into this house, we have taken Miss Kitty into our family. She's an outdoor kitty because that's where she's always been and she's very happy outdoors. We love spending time with her out on the front porch or while out in the garden. Such a sweet girl that I am so thankful to have met. :)
6. Adjusting to a new season in life...
During all of this, I will admit, it has been a challenge to keep up and adjust my schedule to a new life here in Stony Point, NC. I am finally getting into a new routine, schedule, getting caught up, and I am excited to be back to blogging. I've missed it, I've missed updating you all and posting wedding advice and sharing the beautiful weddings we are privilege to photograph! Thank you to everyone who has been so patient with us!