"How to Choose the Perfect Wedding Colors" - by Revival Photography
As wedding photographers, we've seen it all. We've seen beautiful blends of color, and we've also seen not so nice mixes of color....
But let's get one thing straight, deciding on a wedding color palette is definitely not easy, and it's most definitely a very important part of getting your wedding planning off on the right track. Here are some tips on how to choose the perfect colors for your wedding day!
1. Pick a Season. Before you start thinking about wedding colors, be sure you are settled on a wedding date.

2. Consider the Wedding Venue Location. Look carefully at the colors at both the ceremony and reception site. Sometimes the colors in churches or older locations can be very rich and could therefore clash with certain palettes.

3. The Perfect Palette. Once you've chosen a venue and wedding date/season, now you can use this handy tool on The Perfect Palette to easily browse through recommended color palettes based on seasons!
“Since its launch almost five years ago in 2009, The Perfect Palette has been the go-to color resource for couples who dream of a unique, creative, and meaningful wedding day. By featuring only the most thoughtfully curated content, and by bringing heartfelt advice and creativity to every post, The Perfect Palette is a place where couples can find ideas and advice for planning their dream wedding.”
4. Pantone Color of the Year. Each year, Pantone chooses a "Color of the Year" and that's one great way to start! The 2015 Pantone Color of the Year is "Marsala"...
“The Pantone Color Institute provides color trend forecasting, color insights and customized color consulting. We help companies make the most informed decisions about color for their brands or products to gain a competitive edge.”
5. Consider the Mood & Meaning. Colors can have significant influence on the overall vibe of the day. Dig in and do some research on what these colors can signify and how they can potentially affect the overall mood of the event.