Revival Photography a Contributing Photographer in the October Issue of Our State Magazine - Highland Avenue Restaurant

Revival Photography a Contributing Photographer in the October Issue of Our State Magazine

Our State Magazine is so well loved. It seems that everyone we talk with, even just the mention of the magazine they instantly light up and share with us how much they love it. Speaks so much about this wonderful North Carolina magazine and the beautiful stories they share about our beautiful state.

Each month, Our State magazine celebrates the very best of North Carolina through authentic storytelling and stunning photography. Since 1933, Our State has been the trusted resource for all things North Carolina. It’s the perfect source of information for those who’ve lived in North Carolina all their lives, those just becoming acquainted with the state, or those looking to visit or relocate. Discover new places to visit. Try new recipes. Uncover the history, culture, and beauty of North Carolina.

What an incredible honor to have had the opportunity to partner up with Our State to capture the essence of one of North Carolina's best restaurants, Highland Avenue in Hickory, North Carolina. 

In Hickory, a city that prides itself on craftsmanship, Highland Avenue restaurant’s thoughtful take on Southern cuisine fits right in.
— Our State Magazine

We want to wish a HUGE congratulations to Highland Avenue! Check out this article, "A Shareable Feast" written by Jodi Helmer, featured in the October Issue of Our State Magazine...

This issue is on stands now! You can also view and subscribe to the magazine online.

See what's inside:

Our State - Facebook: Our State Magazine // Twitter: @ourstatemag // Instagram: ourstatemag

Highland Avenue - Facebook: Highland Avenue // Instagram: highlandavenue

We've recently been on some other exciting photo adventures with Our State Magazine, so stay tuned for the November Issue, as well as some other issues in 2018!