The Unplugged Wedding Ceremony (Helping guests to connect - Making your wedding photos SO much better)

The Unplugged Wedding Ceremony (Helping guests to connect - Making your wedding photos SO much better)

This month on the blog, it's all about the wedding ceremony...ways to personalizeunique location ideashow to know what time to have the ceremony, and how to prevent cellphones from completely taking over your wedding ceremony photos.... 

Today we're talking about "the wedding ceremony", and why we think you should consider asking guests to put away their cell phones and other devices during your wedding ceremony.

I'm sure you've probably seen posts about this topic before, and you've probably even seen disastrous images, showing how guests using their cell phones during the ceremony can go terribly wrong, and even though we could share many photo examples of this, we're simply going to share some examples of wedding photos where guests are thoroughly enjoying the moment, they are connecting fully with what is happening right in front of them.

The Unplugged Wedding Ceremony (Helping guests to connect - Making your wedding photos SO much better)

So, maybe you've decided to have an "unplugged ceremony", but you're concerned about offending guests who love to take photos....there are definitely ways to do this nicely and respectfully.

  • Ask your guests in advance (via announcement, wedding website, noted on the invitation) so that they are prepared and not having to find a place to hide their phones/cameras when they find out, or having to walk back to their cars to leave items there. This way they will be prepared to leave their devices in their room or their car or even at home. It's actually quite freeing!
  • Place signs leading to or around the ceremony site entrance. Here are some template ideas.
  • Assign someone to nicely, and personally remind guests before the ceremony begins) to put away their cameras and cell phones during the ceremony, especially during the entrance and exit.

We have seen SO many photos ruined because someone held their cell phone/ipad/camera in the way of the shot, and it took so much away from the moment. Sometimes guests just aren't aware that they are in the shot, they have the best intentions. 

Something for guests to keep in mind... Remember that the bride + groom want you to celebrate with them, most of all. They have hired a professional photographer to capture the ceremony so that you can celebrate with them, and be in the moment with them. When they look back on their wedding photos photos, they'll want to see your faces as you watch them during the ceremony, and exiting as husband + wife - they're not going to want to see a cell phone or camera in front of your face creating separation between you and the moment, because that's really what is happening, whether we realize it or not. We encourage you to enjoy being a guest, and be present in the wedding celebration, not preoccupied! 


Jason + Heather


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