My First Experience with Stitch Fix

My First Experience with Stitch Fix

Going to be real here... finding the perfect outfit has always been tricky for me. Here's how it usually goes...

I'll find the perfect shirt (or sometimes what would technically be considered a "dress") and I'll pair it with jeans and either boots or moccasins, and that'll be my "outfit of the month" LOL and then I'll just wear it out (literally) until I find the next outfit that works for me and the mood/season I'm in at the time. Or sometimes I'll find that perfect outfit, but I'll lose a button (can't sew), or something doesn't quite come out of the wash in the best condition.

Frustrating, right?

Or maybe I'll find something that I think looks good but then I'll see how it looks in a photo or in a different light and I'll be mortified and never wear it again.

Can you relate too?

So one day, out of frustration I posted on my Facebook wall, "I need a personal stylist" - and that's when I was introduced to a company called "Stitch Fix"

Stitch Fix is the first fashion retailer to blend expert styling, proprietary technology and unique product to deliver a shopping experience that is truly personalized for you.

Having access to a personal stylist who would pick out clothes that are perfect for me, and mail them to me to try, and then I buy them only if I love them.... that seemed to good to be true. But I decided to give it a try, and I have to say I was quite impressed!

So the first thing you do is sign up for an account, you aren't charged anything until you get your shipment and you decide if you want to keep anything, if not, you send everything back and you are only charged a $20 styling fee (which is waived if you do decide to keep your items!). Then you fill out a very detailed Style Profile, so they get a good idea of your size, style, and preferences. You can even create a Pinterest board with outfits you adore and they can take a look when selecting your outfits!

When my shipment arrived, I had a little note from my personal stylist, addressing my comments, concerns, and preferences. One of the things I really wanted help finding was the perfect pair of jeans for my figure, and just figure flattering, durable, and comfortable outfits. I have to say, that I absolutely love what they sent me! 

I'm planning on keeping all of these items, and I get a % off the total because of that, so that's nice! You can choose in your preferences how much you want to spend on average per piece based on your budget, so I really loved that.

I think Stitch Fix is going to be perfect for me when I'm in a style rut, no time to waste on shopping trips with no finds (has happened to me way more than I care to admit) and wasted money on clothes that don't properly fit me when I try to order online myself. Going to be perfect also for when there are special occasions and I need the perfect dress, or even the perfect attire for photoshoots and weddings!

Brides! Stitch Fix could be perfect for your engagement session, engagement party, bridal shower, rehearsal dinner attire, outfits for your honeymoon, etc! In the end it saves so much hassle and it's fun to see what they pick out for you!

What do you guys think? Have any of you given Stitch Fix a try? How did it go for you? If you have any questions for me about my thoughts, feel free to shoot me a message!

If you do decide to give Stitch Fix a try, go here to sign up! 


